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Prologue, Chapter 3: Falling Stars

Updated: Sep 6, 2020


Rainforests. Tundras. Volcanic springs. Jagged stone. The Agori and Matoran of Pirau Nui built their homes on what can be considered the epitome of preserved nature. Ironic, given the way it was created. The Northwestern part of the island however, was another story entirely. Pirau Nui’s Vo-Wahi and Ce-Wahi have remained practically unpopulated for years, because of the violent, untamed energy fields that rage within their borders. The land is ravaged by constant chaos, coming from either bolts of lightning or the seemingly unpredictable change in the desolate terrain. As such, the population of Pirau Nui was limited to finding shelter in the more organic side of the island, something unfamiliar to Anahera. Her mind wandered back to her former home, far from where she had sat

The central region of Pirau Nui, the closest many come to the dangerous lands, carries bits of all the other regions with it. Fe-Koro Central has thrived for years, exporting resources from both the inhabited and uninhabited regions of the island. A hundred years of construction after migrating to Pirau Nui resulted in Fe-Koro Central evolving into a city of towering metal structures, earning the title of “the Heart of Pirau Nui”. The Matoran and Agori worked to keep the gears of work and commerce turning, as they had for a hundred years. Somehow, despite this place being considered by many to be the most miserable place on Spherus Magna, hundreds eke out a life here. 

In the grand scheme of Spherus Magna’s history, this was a tiny sliver, but what did she know? She hadn’t even been around for a hundred years, making her young compared to so many around her. It had been nearly twenty-five years since she came to the island, and first looked out at that coast. She thought about it all, her eyes looking out into the horizon as she replayed the lecture she’d heard hundreds of times from her best friend. 

"Anahera!” A voice cut through the deep thoughts of the Agori who sat on the sandy beach, pondering the hustle and bustle in the city mios from her. After she was brought back to reality, she turned to see the familiar voice. 

“You missed my lecture today. Did you forget?” The Matoran asked, worried.

“Oh, snowballs. I’m sorry, Lepo. I’ve been spacing out here since sunrise, I didn’t notice how much time went by. It’s just so beautiful here...” replied Anahera, with a tint of sadness in her voice.

The lone Agori and her Matoran friend grew silent as they both stared into the waves that softly crashed into the shore, listening closely to the caws of the Gukko birds circling the area.  

“It's such a shame, isn't it, Ana.” Lepo said, breaking the silence.

“What is?”

“You, not being able to see all this color. This place is beautiful, but-”

“Let me stop you there,” Anahera interrupted Lepo. “I can’t see the color, but that doesn’t hinder me from appreciating the overall beauty of it all. Everything here is just as beautiful in black and white. It’s not the same as what I used to see, but it hasn’t changed in essence.” Anahera continued with pride, refusing to let her ‘defect’ define her.

A moment of comfortable silence dwelled between the two friends as they walked towards town.


“I keep telling you, you would’ve made a great teaching assistant. You sure there aren’t any smarts in there, Ana?” Lepo said with a chuckle, jokingly tapping at the top of Anahera's helmet, as they both broke into light laughter.

As the morning sun grew higher, signalling the time of noon, both Anahera and Lepo started to walk back to their village, Bo-Koro. Walking through the quaint and lively marketplace, the two friends were happily greeted by all sorts of villagers and Rahi, as the two were well-known as the island’s Chronicler and Head Teacher. 

“Great lecture today, Lepo! You sure would’ve made Turaga Nokama proud! Your lessons sure pulled in a lot of people this week!” An armor vendor called out to Lepo with a chuckle and two fingers pointing as the two friends casually strolled down the street.

“Very funny, anvilhead. Don’t go teaching the newly awakened ones that inside joke! And don’t you forget - I’m an Onu-Matoran and not a Ba-Matoran!” A mildly upset Lepo sarcastically remarked at the vendor.

In the distance, a stomping noise became apparent. Growing louder and louder, a Rahi, no larger than two Matoran stacked on one another, began barking and tearing through the market towards the two friends at a high speed, much to the semi-routine panic of the marketplace vendors and customers. As it drew close, the Rahi struggled to skid to a halt, before it pounced onto Anahera, licking her face in excitement.

“Good morning to you too, Pono. Loving your new parts!” Anahera said, laughing and trying to steer her face away from the vicious affection of the Tropical Muaka as some of the marketplace villagers break into whispering conversation, laughing at Anahera’s expense. Despite the fact that the economy around Pirau Nui was full of drudgery, with coin and widget alike seemingly flowing back to the city of Fe-Koro, the villagers of small towns like Bo-Koro still managed to find bits happiness in the simplest of things - like Rahi pouncing on others. "Come on, come on!" Anahera laughed, her half-hearted attempts to dislodge Pono proving useless against the onslaught of the Rahi's friendship.

Meanwhile in Bo-Koro’s rainforest, not so far from the marketplace, a tall cloaked figure perched on the branch of a deciduous-looking tree. The only thing poking out from the cloak aside from a pair of hands was a pair of high-tech binoculars, looking out towards the marketplace, watching as Lepo struggled to pull Pono away from Anahera, her efforts futile against the large Rahi.

“Such joy. So early in the day. Huh.” The cloaked figure whispers to himself. 

Not long after, beeps are heard coming from the cloaked figure’s wrist, and suddenly, a voice as well.

“What’s the status down there in Bo-Koro? Sensors say something big is running down the village main street. Better not be another rampaging Rahi.” The scratchy voice on the other end of the communicator was only exacerbated by the poor sound quality of the ad-hoc device. 

“It’s nothing. Just the Chronicler’s pet Rahi. Seems to have gotten an upgrade. He’s bigger now, hence the loud stomps.” The cloaked figure said quietly, speaking into his wrist at the upset voice. 

“Ugh. You’ve got to be kidding me. If that Rahi causes any major trouble, injuries, or damages, you capture that beast and send it here to Fe-Koro. That thing’s going in the Void to rot if it does. White Leader out.” 

“Copy that, Whit- wait, what did you just call yourself?” The cloaked figure on the tree replied in shock and confusion, not noticing right away what he had just heard from his comrade through his wrist device. 

“Blame the top dog. He told me to use a codename too, Snakeface.” 

“What are you even talking about? You’re pulling my leg, aren’t you?” The figure groaned. “There’s no way he’d agree to that. Besides, just because I’m from the Jung-” 

“Yeah, yeah, whatever.” The voice coming through the device interrupted him in an exasperated tone. “Just go back to your surveillance since you can’t take a joke, killjoy.”  

“I’m on it. Just taking a- wait. Hold. Are you seeing this?” The cloaked figure exclaimed as his head tilted towards the sky. 

“What? What is it?” The voice in the wrist device spoke with a tone of urgency. 

“The sky… Look! The sky!” The cloaked figure exclaimed in awe as he leapt from branch to branch up the tree to get a better look at the sky. 

The pair of friends far below the trees laughed at the Rahi’s excitement before the sight grabbed Lepo’s attention. “Anahera… what on Mata Nui…” Lepo freezes, shaking Anahera as her eyes became locked on the sky

“Pono, wait I- what? What is that…?” Anahera said as she shrugged off the tiger to look.

Everyone in the marketplace had ceased their daily activities, and in unison, turned their eyes towards the sky as well. Every village. Every region. In utter shock, the entire island of Pirau Nui watched in stunned silence as six bright lights appeared rocketing through the sky, slowly growing in brightness as they descended towards the island. Anahera gasped as she struggled up to her feet, as even Pono seemed mesmerized at the sight. She stammered as she spoke, her thoughts practically falling out of her mouth in disbelief.

“The stars… are falling…?”

To Be Continued in Book 1



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DISCLAIMER: BIONICLE THE LEGEND REBUILT is an entirely fan-made & non-profit project, and not affiliated with the LEGO Group.

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