Toa Hana
The leader
Element: Lightning
Gender: Female
Weapon: Charged Claymore
Hana is the leader of the Toa Pirau, a brave, selfless Toa with a strong heart and a yearning to protect the innocent. Always ready to take decisive action, Hana takes to her role with ease. With a strong sense of justice, she’s ready to lay down her life to protect her team and the Matoran in the face of danger. However, Hana is not without her struggles. She is perhaps too ready to act at times, rushing into decisions in attempts to prevent any harm before it has the possibility to occur. She also underestimates herself, doubting her own skills at times. Despite her flaws, Hana is a great Toa, and when danger comes, she’s always ready to rise to the occasion.
Hana's Charged Claymore allows her to seamlessly switch between offensive and defensive stances, with wide arcing swings and it's wide covering width. Enemies afar are not safe either, as she can channel her elemental power to dischage blasts of electricity from the end of her sword with devastating effects. Not only can this ability be used for offensive purposes, but also for some unconventional mobility. While positioning herself on the claymore like a surfboard, unleashing a electricity blast propels her with great speed & distance, perfect for traversing large gaps or tall walls.
Kanohi Fokunu
Mask of Direction

The Mask of Direction allows the user to find the most efficient path to a target, and show the path to others. While originally created for the benign purpose of navigation, Hana herself found that the mask could be used to avoid targets as well, and help to guide her allies in combat. However, a side effect of processing so much information and beaming it to others is tunnel vision, something that her teammates help her to mitigate.
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